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Work, life and things in between – Day 77 – Body balance!

Work, life and things in between – Day 77 – Body balance!

Well, I give up.  After an entire stress free day yesterday, a one hour walk and a 90 minute yoga session, followed by an evening of reading, I wake up at 3 am and can’t go back to sleep.  Maybe I am starting to be too rested. Maybe my body has found its balance between on and off and it is trying to tell me something.

6 am and I am already into the third chapter of my book.  I like that. This means the day will be long and I will be able to do lots and lots of things.

This day belongs to me in its entirety.  I need to stop and pinch myself because this used to be a fantasy of mine, way up there with winning the lottery and living happily ever after!  And now it is real.  The day is mine to dispose of as I please.

Think about it.

So, I write, read, go to yoga, stop for grocery on the way back, cook, eat, write some more…this is heaven.  I still don’t miss going back to work.  Should I be worried?  I actually quite enjoy all this time by myself.

After 3 years of working from home and commuting back and forth evey other week, and 2 long distance relationships (one in Vancouver when I lived in Montreal and one in Montreal now that I am in Vancouver…do you see a pattern here?) I am quite happy to reach out to my friends via phone and e-mail, so long as from time to time we can actually connect in the year.

Same with my children.  Actually some time I feel that I get to talk to them more via text message and e-mail than I did when they lived at home through their “owl period” (that would be in reference to the period when they typically went to bed right around the time I got up to start my day).

Now, I get a text, I reply, and vice versa…not your best cuddly-touchy feeling, but it keeps you in touch! To day 78.